Supportive Music And Imagery (SMI)
"The aim is to help clients develop their inner strengths and inner resources, their inner potential, so as to cope better with the challenges of everyday living." (Martin Lawes, GIM Therapist and Trainer)

What is SMI?
Supportive Music and Imagery is a short- term therapy of 7 sessions in total. It works with a client's positive inner resources to enhance their sense of well being. Sessions can take place online or in person and can be delivered as One to One or as Group Therapy.
What happens in an SMI Session?
The weekly sessions last for 1hr and follow the same structure each week. The client explores personal themes from their current life situation, and selects one positive or supportive image to focus on. The client listens to a piece of music, selected in consultation with the Therapist. As they listen they will engage with art materials perhaps by drawing, as a way of expressing their supportive image. The music is played several times whilst the client engages with the art materials. The last stage is a time to reflect upon the image the client has created. The client may reflect verbally as a way of personalising their therapeutic experience. The client may continue to explore SMI during the week by listening to their chosen piece of music and may even create more artwork themselves.
The music chosen may be classical, non-classical or of any genre that is suitable to help the Client experience their resource.
Who can benefit?
SMI can offer help for adults struggling with:
Emotional Difficulties
Low Self-Esteem
Personal Loss
SMI has been beneficial when offered as a form of self care for staff members in various settings. It is also suitable for people who are seeking self-development through creativity or who wish to develop greater self awareness.